Tag: raspberry pi
The end of the Summer of Desktop Linux
My sabbatical draws to a close and with it my dependence on computers owned by me and me alone. Since Automattic is, with little exception, a Mac shop going back to work means this is probably the last post I’ll write from my Raspberry Pi for a while. It’s a bittersweet ending because, despite the…
Sabbatical prep
I hit five years with Automattic on January 20th 2023 and with that milestone I became eligible for a special benefit: A sabbatical. It’s a bittersweet timing, a little, because we’re in the middle of an exciting growth opportunity for the public sector, and especially the federal marketplace. Still, I’m extremely excited for June 19th…
A small act of accessibility
I keep a small office in a building in my neighborhood. It works out nicely that my employer defrays the cost a bit because unlike apparently everybody else with a remote job I can’t seem to get any work done while sharing a small home office with another person and with wild animals pets, and…