Learning out Loud in Milwaukee, WI

Tag: continuous integration

  • Writing Unit Tests for WordPress

    This post and others like it still get a strange amount of traffic. It’s worth noting the details here are out of date and I won’t be keeping it up. Use at your own risk! In my last post I wrote about two testing libraries for WordPress and briefly discussed the difference between integration tests…

  • Why Unit Testing in WordPress Matters

    Testing WordPress has become a favorite topic of mine lately: moving away from hitting refresh and toward something more holistic, reliable, and automatable. I’ve written before about a testing method called called browser testing, which verifies a webpage has some expected behavior. These kinds of tests are great but they’re not perfect. They require a…

  • How can I use Feature Switches in WordPress

    While a colleague and I were discussing the rollout of a new feature to our public facing website, he asked me if it would be possible to “hide” the new content behind a toggle. Effectively, he was asking me to write a feature switch, a best practice of continuous integration that allows you to push…